JD Rebellions & Pelden Drubi Alien

Facets of being a small country: 5AM losar conversations

  ·   2 min read

As I stalk JD gi wedding pics and realize that his wedding has a lotta people that you normally wouldn’t associate with his socio-economic circle. One of the richest dudes in Bhutan has as one of his best men at his wedding a dude from Phuntsholing who raps about being Phuntsholing gi Husla.

Its crazy though, it sometimes looks like a drubi kdrama but instead of it being romantic, keta and kiti is exchanged for 2 brothers. Imagine a chaebol gi heir becoming close to someone from Phuntsholing gi “streets” na lae. And its not just this instance, also saw leczin and sangay t yonten becoming closer and its the same reaction. Lhaki cement gi alu and someone who used to play dota on bangki, now being homies.

Sure it might be due to just the art/music scene being small but i think it’s more of nga chay country being small. I think just interesting aspects of our society such as public schools especially grade 10-12 being as good if not better than private schools breed this intermingling of social classes also.

Looking back to my years in Lungtenzampa and YHSS, im thinking about all the kids I interacted and how some of them were from such different socio economic backgrounds. Some had multiple buildings in thimphu and some were struggling to make ends meet and were made to grow up at an early age.

And now we have gyalsuung as well, which seems like a melting pot of socio economic classes. From the 1% who go to Woodstock, Kodi from chungku ganglay to kids from thazur gi area who work the farm jobs during breaks. And it’d be really interesting to see how these kids mix together and their experiences.

Reflections from 5AM losar conversations about home in a foreign land.